A few days ago we launched the new Bryce Properties website! The customer is super happy and that is very pleasing for us.
We’ve been working with Bryce Properties for a number of years. In fact, the first version of their website was back in 2008! How time flies!
Who/What is Bryce Properties?
Bryce Properties is a local (to Plymouth – UK) business that rents the highest quality accommodation to students looking for rooms in Plymouth. They have a range of property sizes from one-bedroom flats to ten-bedroom houses.
Eleven years – The evolution of a website.
Have a look at the difference eleven years makes!
Sadly, we don’t have any screenshots of this iteration of the site. Probably a good thing!
Wow, 2013 was rudimentary by comparison to the 2019 version! Very linear and not a lot going on. I’m not sure about the lurid pink now!
Some improvements over 2013 we agree, but still not great compared to today’s version.
In 2018, we made serious improvements to the site. Much more mobile-friendly than previous versions and the introduction of the CSS framework Bootstrap 4 to provide a base to work on.
2019 – Today
Link to the site (as it is today)
This years’ version of the site is a much-improved one. Some of the new features are listed below. The main ones are that it now looks great on large-screen monitors as well as smaller mobile devices.
- Looks great on large screens
- Looks great on mobile and tablet devices
- (Expands nicely as the user stretches and decreases the width of the browser window)
- A top navigation bar providing quick links to different sized properties stays visible regardless of where the visitor is on the page or indeed on the whole site
- Completely secure with SSL encryption
- Virtual tours of 15 properties included
- When enquiring about a specific property, an email is sent to the office team with the property details enquired-for as well as the visitor’s name and contact details. Making it easy for the Bryce team to communicate back to the prospective tenant
- Each property has a tabbed interface providing different information in an easy to navigate way.
For those who really want to know!
Scripting (the programming side of things) – PHP
The scripting language used is PHP. A long-time used scripting language for web developers around the world. This is what enables some of the useful features such as the customised emails that come through to the office.
CSS Framework
Bootstrap 4 is a CSS framework. Basically, it comes with a pre-made look-and-feel, providing items such as buttons and tabs. Bootstrap certainly provides a very handy starting point. However, there is a lot of coding necessary none-the-less! This site contains 5253 files!
We hope you like the site. It’s just one type of site we work on and in this case, providing regular on-going support and changes.
Other types of websites include WordPress sites where the customer is able to manage the content of their site once it is live, and Shopify, a fully-functional online shop site.
Contact us for more information or if you would be interested in us helping you on your website project.